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1. Humanity’s Permanent Peace. Take natural law and international law as parent law and promote the Constitutional Standards (ISO) to consolidate a world under the rule of law and create a great civilization of permanent peace. ( 49 )

Catholic Church: The Old Testament of Holy Bible not match "international law | natural laws "

Catholic Church: The New Testament of Holy Bible not match "international law | natural laws "

Catholic Church: 31,628 important Christian documents on peace since 1245 not match "international law | natural laws "

Catholic Church: Past Popes for Nearly a Hundred Years ‘Messages on World Day of Peace’ not match "international law | natural laws "

Catholic Church: Pope Franciscus, nearly 4,000 important ideas, opinions, or propositions on not match "international law | natural laws "

Islam: “Qurʾān” not match 'international law | natural laws '

Islam: “Hadith” not match "international law | natural laws "

Hinduism: “Vedas” not match "international law | natural laws "

Tibetan Buddhism: The call of His Holiness the Dalai Lama and the sages for world peace not match "international law | natural laws "

Orthodox Catholic Church: The Old Testament of Holy Scripture not match "international law | natural laws "

Orthodox Catholic Church: The New Testament of Holy Scripture not match "international law | natural laws "

Judaism: “Torah” not match "international law | natural laws "

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